Impediments To Good Governance In Somalia

Somalia has been dismally underperforming in key benchmarks of good governance namely, rule of law, government effectiveness, political stability, public participation, accountability, transparency and control of corruption. At the political level, elite collaboration invariably collapses and the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the Federal Member States (FMSs) increasingly squabble.1 The incomplete nature of the
provisional constitution exacerbates political instability. Public input and participation in how the country should be governed is largely muted. Demand for service delivery and institutional performance is equally limited. The media landscape is listed ‘not free’ to meaningfully monitor actions of those in power. The voice of the civil society is rarely
accommodated by the governing elite due to the fragmented nature of civil societies themselves as well as the absence of state institutions that are interested in amplifying or implementing calls for reforms.

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Soomaaliya waxa ay aad ugu liidataa oo ay ka gaabisay astaamaha aasaaska u ah ku dhaqanka dawlad wanaagga, kuwaas oo kala ah, ku dhaqanka sharciga, waxtarka dawladda, xasiloonida siyaasadda, buuxinta kaalinta bulshada, isla xisaabtanka, hufnaanta, iyo xakamaynta musuqmaasuqa. Marka loo eego xaaladda siyaasadeed, wada shaqaynta foolaadka (haldor) siyaasadda ayaa mar walba burbura oo dawladda fadderaalka Soomaaliya iyo dawladaha xubnaha ka ah fadderaalka ayaa khilaafkoodu cirka isku sii shareeraa..

Halkaan kasoo rogo daraasadda oo dhamaystiran