Selection of the Next Somalia Parliament: The Citizens’ View

HIPS initiated this research project, called “2016 Scenarios”, to contribute to the discourse on options for a peaceful and legitimate transition of power in 2016 using evidence-based data and sound analysis. The project aimed to present the voices of the Somali people on 2016 political dispensation and offer important information about emerging trends in Somali politics. The findings provide reliable, representative data on the views of residents in five major population centers, which contribute to the debate around the political process as major decisions about Somalia’s future are being deliberated.

In the absence of a proper election, more than half (51 percent) favor either traditional elders or clan constituencies as the preferred selection alterative. Of those, just over 27 percent prefer that traditional elders select MPs as they did in 2012; while nearly a quarter prefer to have clan constituency assembly select MPs.

Region or district-based selection is also popular among those surveyed. Some 41 percent prefer districts or regional administrations rather than a clan/elders-centric formula. Close to a quarter (22 percent) indicated they prefer district-based selection of representatives, while 19 percent of respondents want selection of MPs based on Somalia’s regions.

Download the full report here.

Machadka Heritage waxa uu bilaabay cilmibaaristan si uu dood ugu biiriyo hababka kala duwan ee si nabad ah awoodda loogu wareejin karo sanadaka 2016 isaga oo isticmaalaya xog si cilmiyeysan loo soo uruuriyay iyo taxliil. Mashruuca waxa uu hadafkiisu yahay in uu soo bandhigo codka dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku aaddan 2016 islamarkaana uu soo gudbiyo xog muhiim ah ee la xariirta kala duwanaanshaha fikirka ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Natiijada cilmibaaristan waxa ay soo bandhigaysaa xog lagu kalsoonaan karo, metelina karta dadka deggan shan magaalo ee ka mid ah magaalooyinka ugu dadka badan Soomaaliya, si ay cilmi-baaristu wax ugu biiriso geeddi-socodka siyaasadda Soomaaliya.

Maaddaama doorasho xor ah aanay dhaceynin, in ka badan kala bar (51 boqolkiiba) waxa ay sheegeen in odayaasha dhaqanka ama in waxgaradka beel kasta (clan constituency assembly) ay yihiin habka xulidda oo ay door bidayaan. In ka badan 27 boqolkiiba oo dadkaasi kamid ah ayaa ku jawaabay in ay doonayaan in odayaasha dhaqanku ay soo xulaan xildhibaannada sidii ay usoo xuleen 2012, halka ku dhawaad afar meelood meel ay doorbidayaan in waxgaradka beeluhu ay soo xulaan xildhibaannada.

Dhanka kale, hab xulid ku saleysan gobollada/maamul goboleedyada ama degmooyinka ayaa sidoo kale ahaa hannaan ay doorbidayeen qaar badan oo ka mid ah dadkii xog uruurinta laga sameeyay. 41 boqolkiiba ayaa door bidday degmooyin ama maamul goboleedyada/gobollada in lagu saleeyo metalaadda intii qabiil lagu saleyn lahaa. Ku dhawaad afar meelood meel (22 boqolkiiba) waxa ay sheegeen in ay doonayaan in degmooyinka lagu saleeyo soo xulidda xildhibaannada, halka (19 boqolkiiba) ay doorteen in soo xulista xildhibaannada lagu saleeyo maamul goboleedyada.

Halkan kasoo rogo warbixinta oo dhameystiran