Somalia needs conciliatory not confrontational politics

On October 14 Mogadishu was rocked by the deadliest explosion in its history, killing more than 400 people and injuring hundreds of others. Reliable figures are hard to come by, but the blast, which flattened the buildings around the clogged Zoppe Junction in the Hodan district, has caused mayhem and material destruction estimated to be in the millions of dollars.

What is becoming crystal clear, however, is that the tragedy could be translated into an opportunity to unite the nation and galvanize the public into collective action against al-Shabaab, which is widely believed to be behind the attack even if it shied away from claiming its ghastly outcome. In fact, the nation has expressed mass outrage at the impunity with which al-Shabaab continues to massacre citizens and wreak havoc. Somalis all around the world have responded by collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of the victims of the attack.

Download the full policy brief here.

14-kii Oktoober, Muqdisho waxaa gilgiley qaraxii ugu waxyeelada badnaa ee soo mara abid, kaas oo sababay dhimashada in ka badan 400 oo qof, boqolaal kalana dhaawacay. Inkasta oo ay adag tahay in la ogaado tirada dhabta ah ee masiibadani aafeysey, haddana, qaraxan oo dhulka dhigay dhismayaasha ku teedsan isgoyska mar kasta cammirnaa ee Zoppe, ee xaafadda Hodan, waxa uu sababay masiibo iyo burbur hantiyeed oo lagu qiyaasay malaayiin doollar.

Waxaase si cad u muuqanaya in musiibadaas loo baddeli karo fursad lagu mideeyo ummadda Soomaaliyeed, bulshadana lagu abaabulo si ay wadajir ugu wajahaan, talaabana uga qaadaan al Shabaab, kuwaas oo la tuhunsan yahay in ay falkaan ka danbeeyeen, in kasta oo ay ku dhici waayeen in ay sheegtaan, hallaagga uu geystey awgiis. Weliba, dadka Soomaaliyeed caro ay ku midaysan yihiin ayay ka muujiyeen, bannaysiga ay al Shabaab ku bannaysteen, xasuuqa shacabka iyo burburinta xadka ka baxday. Soomaalida adduunka oo idilna waxay uga jawaabeen gurmad ay boqolaal kun oo doollar ay ugu arruurinayeen, dadkii ku waxyeeloobey weerarka. 

Soo rogo warbixinta oo dhan.