Youth Migration in Somalia: Causes, Consequences and Possible Remedies

This research was aimed at investigating issues surrounding youth migration in Somalia. Citizens in seven populous cities in different geographical locations and administrations were surveyed and key informants were interviewed. The study has revealed that migration is high in even relatively peaceful places. The causes of migration are many, and the main factors are unemployment and economic difficulties; the unbalanced, privatized and under-regulated education system; peer pressure; strong smuggling networks; lack of reliable security; and the overall fragile and weak state institutions that have failed to create hope for citizens.

The study also found that Somali migrants face enormous risks and challenges during the migration process including death, detention and sexual and physical abuse. Moreover, the majority of the migrants do not achieve the high expectations they had had before they migrated, and many face a difficult life in their destination countries. State authorities, the private and nonprofit sectors and the international community have had little impact on halting the flight of Somali youth. With new leadership in the federal government, the Somali authorities and the international community should prioritize tackling youth migration and its causes including creating opportunities for young people.

Download the full report here

Cilmibaaristan waxaa lagu lafaguray arrimaha ku xeeran tahriibka dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed. Shacab ku nool toddoba magaalo oo waaweyn oo hoos taga maammullo kala duwan ayaa xog laga ururiyay, lana wareystay. Cilmibaaristan waxa ay muujisay in ay dhalinyaro badan ka tahriibaan dalka xitaa marka lagu daro degaanno uu ka jiro amni wanaagsan. Waxyaabaha sababa tahriibka waa badan yihiin, hasa ahaatee kuwa ugu muhiimsan waxaa kamid ah shaqo la’aan, dhaqaale xummo, tayada waxbarasho ee dalka oo liidata, ku dayasho saaxiibo horay u tahriibay, jiritaanka kooxo ka shaqeeya arrimaha tahriibka, ammaan darro ka jirta dalka, iyo tabardarida hayadaha dowliga ee ku guul dareystay in ay bulshada u abuuraan rajo.

Cilmibaaristan waxaa kale oo lagu ogaaday in tahriibayaasha Soomaaliyeed ay la kulmaan khatarro fara badan iyo caqabado inta ay ku guda jiraan tahriibka sida: dhimasho, xarig, jirdil iyo kufsi. Waxaa intaas dheer, inta badan dadka tahriibay ma helaan wixii ay filayeen marka ay gaaraan dalalkii ay u tahriibeen. In badan ayaa marka ay gaaraan dalalka ay u tahriibeen la kulma nolol adag iyo rafaad. Hayadaha dowladeed, kuwa aan dowliga aheyn iyo beesha caalamkuba waxba kama geysan sidii loo hakin lahaa firxadka dhalinta Soomaaliyeed. Dowladda federaalka, maamuladda gobollada iyo beesha caalamku waa in ay ahmiyad siiyaan sidii wax looga qaban lahaa dhalinta Soomaaliyeed ee fakadka ah iyo sababaha keena tahriibkaba, iyadoo fursado shaqo loo abuurayo dhalinyarada.

Soo rogo warbixinta oo dhan